
10 Reasons Why Toxic People Want to Destroy Super Empaths


understanding a toxic person’s mind may appear difficult at times. But it becomes easier once you discover the source of their actions. Toxic people often get driven by a lot of hate and envy. Which they have collected since childhood after all unsettled resentments forge an adult full of hate.

Whenever they see someone having a better life than them. Their first reaction is to bring that person down, and super empaths are always on their list. If you want to know why toxic people want to destroy super empaths here; are 10 reasons why toxic people want to destroy super empaths.

1. They are jealous of super empath’s life.

Why do you think people become toxic? Is it because of the upbringing or, happenings they experience in life? I don’t think that’s it. I believe people become toxic because they are not content with their lives. That is why when they see other people doing better than them, they will start to become envious of these people. And for toxic people, these are the super empaths.

The life of the super empath is everything toxic people ever wanted. To love and be loved or to appreciate and be appreciated. They have always missed this exchange, due to the negativities they feel themselves in and jealousy is one of them. So, why do toxic people want to destroy super empaths? It’s simply because their jealousy often, develops a resentment, that they project onto other people who have everything.

2. They get threatened by their presence.

When we get threatened, our first reaction is to eliminate the source of the threat. It is an instinct all of us have, even animals. Eliminating a potential threat is a way one can survive in life. Similarly, when toxic people believe that their reputation or position gets jeopardized. As a result, of the existence of one person.

They are ready to destroy them regardless of the circumstances. That is why when super empath leadership shows just by their presence. Toxic people will get aggravated and offended. Toxic people always strive to have the highest position to get validated. When some Outsider gets their position away, they won’t just sit still, they will attack and annihilate every threat they will encounter. In this case that would be super empaths.

3. They see super empaths as know-it-alls.

Toxic people do not like to get corrected by others, they think they’re always right, and anyone will say otherwise will get a beating from them. They detest hearing smart remarks, or disagreements from the people around them. And anyone who will do so will get branded as a know-it-all.

That is how super empaths got tagged as one. Everyone knows who toxic people understand that correcting them, will get you in trouble. But the ever so caring and just super empowers don’t have any fear. Super empaths will stand their ground and educate toxic people as long as they believe they are correct. This courage of super empaths provoked narcissists into destroying them once and for all.

4. They are insecure about themselves.

The reason why toxic people want to destroy super empaths is interconnected. as I’ve said before, they are jealous of super empaths, but there’s something hidden beneath that, their insecurities. Toxic people also get pushed to destroy super empaths to lessen their insecurities and make themselves feel good.

But how is it interconnected? With their insecurities, toxic people will pile up their envy that later will become resentment against super empaths. All these negativities push them to pull through in their way, unfortunately, the only way they think they can do it is to step on other people.

5. They hate super empaths’ blunt honesty.

Honesty is a blade that cuts through every one of us, for it Bears the truth. After all, the truth hurts right? But toxic people don’t like to face the truth and don’t like to get told off. That is why when super empaths expressed their opinions on toxic people: the latter will be raging anger. And that anger fuels their desire to tear down super empaths, anger is a particularly destructive emotion. What would happen if someone as unstable as toxic people experienced it? chaos will ensue.

6. Super empaths are the ones at the top.

Toxic people aspire to be at the top even, with many insecurities. They realize that once they reach the Pinnacle, they will Thrive they will not, however, get to the top when super empaths are in charge. Anyone would agree that to take over a position: the current leader must get destroyed. As a result, toxic people will always be on the lookout for super empaths, even if the super empath did nothing to them. Toxic people would be enraged at their position at the top, toxic people get driven by rage.

7. They hate how super empaths reject them.

Toxic people don’t have anything to protect aside from their ego. When that gets attacked, they will get their Revenge one way or another. They know what they want and that is respect, but as the saying goes respect begets respect. Toxic people can’t dictate to anyone to respect or, say yes to them all the time they have to earn it. Although do you believe that respect is the only thing they want? Super empaths also know the motive behind toxic people’s games.

They want to have control, and super empaths aren’t the ones who get controlled by a Mindless insecure individual. Super empaths are supposed to lead, for they are born leaders. That is why toxic people often get rejected. When they persuade a super empath to favor support or, even befriend them. The pile of resentment toxic people have against super empaths will get higher. Along with their desire to destroy super empaths.

8. They are far from Super empath standards.

A toxic person’s Last Resort when they can’t seem to reach the super Empaths standards is to pull them, down at their level. They will start to make rumors tarnishing the reputation of super empaths. In that way, people will not believe in super empaths anymore. But unfortunately for toxic people, super empaths will not go down that easily, a mere rumor will be a hiccup for them.

They have more challenges ahead that need their attention. And because of this toxic people will get more envious and livid with super empath resilience. Let alone their high standards, over time toxic people will get obsessed with destroying super empaths’ life. They lose their little ounce of humanity to see them at the bottom. Hate truly is a dangerous emotion.

9. They only want to make super empaths feel miserable.

When toxic people lose hope, all their attention will focus on wanting to destroy super empaths. All of us have felt or experienced this episode in our lives. The moment when we are so hopeless that we wish everyone also felt it. And our Cry for Help has now turned into sabotaging our fellow humans. It’s just that toxic people never found their way out of that hating hole. Imagine what they can do when they constantly experience these emotions throughout the day. It doesn’t, even concern super empaths anymore. The reason only lies in toxic people’s minds.

10. They Thrive when they destroy.

All of the preceding points stem from this reason, and it is this reason that drives toxic people to destroy super empaths. why do you think they strive so hard to reach the top, even at the expense of others? The reason might be that it’s what keeps them alive and thriving. Their hate for super empaths doesn’t even come from any offense super empaths have made toward them. It’s an innate hatred they have been carrying all their life. hurt people hurt people. Toxic people destroy because they have gotten destroyed early in their lives. This quote also resonates with a toxic person’s life.

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