
11 Behaviors of A Narcissist to Never Ignore

10Behaviors of A Narcissist to Never Ignore


Before starting the article, if you are new here, please subscribe. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is when someone thinks they’re super important and doesn’t really care about how others feel. It’s important to know what kind of things they do so you can understand what’s going on and keep yourself feeling okay.

When you can tell if someone is acting like a narcissist, you can set up good limits and make sure you’re not hurt by their emotions or thoughts, which can be tough sometimes.

1. Acting like you’re the greatest

Acting like you’re the greatest and more important than anyone else is a sign of narcissism. Narcissistic people often act like they’re super special and way more important than others. This is a big clue that someone might have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They always want people to tell them how amazing they are and to worship them.

So, they do things like talking about themselves all the time and making sure everyone pays attention to their achievements. They think they’re so great that they make other people’s achievements seem small and unimportant. They also like to make themselves seem even more impressive by exaggerating what they’ve done, making their stories sound more exciting than they really are, or even making up stuff to impress and control others.


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2. Not understanding others’ feelings.

Narcissists have a big problem. They struggle to understand and care about how other people feel. They’re more focused on what they want and need, putting themselves before everyone else. Their lack of understanding and emotional connection makes them different from most people. This happens because they’re overly focused on themselves and what they want, making it hard for them to genuinely care about others.

3. Thinking you’re special and deserve more.

One thing narcissists commonly do is think they’re super special and should get special treatment. They believe they should get attention, favors, and good stuff without having to do the same for others. This belief comes from their big-headed view of themselves.

They think they’re better than everyone else, so they don’t think the rules that apply to others apply to them. They want people to focus on them all the time and tell them how great they are. They might also feel like their needs should always come first, even if it means ignoring what others need.

When things don’t go their way right away, they get upset and think it’s a personal attack. They often don’t give back the same care and attention they demand from others. They expect others to do a lot for them, but they don’t usually do the same for others. They don’t see the importance of treating others well and sharing. They believe they’re entitled to special treatment without having to do the same for others.

4. Narcissists really want a lot of attention and praise.

One big sign that someone is a narcissist is that they always want people to pay attention to them and tell them how great they are. Narcissists just can’t get enough validation, compliments, and adoration from others to keep their overly positive view of themselves. They always want to be the center of attention in any group. They always want others to admire them and tell them how special they are. This need for admiration isn’t just about wanting attention. It’s because deep down, they feel really unsure about themselves. They constantly need others to say nice things about them to feel better about who they are.

Without regular compliments and praise, they might start to feel like they don’t matter or that they’re not good enough. This behavior can be really tiring for the people around them because narcissists always want to be praised and admired, but they don’t usually return the favor or show real interest in others. They might also put down or belittle what others achieve because they see them as a threat to their own belief that they’re the best.

5. Taking advantage of others and being self-centered.

Some people like narcissists can be really selfish and hurtful in their behavior. They often use other people for their own benefit without caring about how it affects those around them. Narcissists are mainly focused on themselves and don’t see relationships as give-and-take partnerships.

They are good at finding and using other people’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities to control them. Narcissists use tricks to manipulate others. For example, they might try to make someone doubt their own thoughts and feelings, or they can use their charm and charisma to make people like them and do what they want. Narcissists also take advantage of people who are kind and caring. They use emotional tricks to make others feel sorry for them or guilty so they can get what they want, like help, favors, or attention without really giving anything back.

6. Narcissists don’t take responsibility and often blame others.

One noticeable thing about narcissists is that they hardly ever admit when they’ve done something wrong, and they like to point fingers at others for their own mistakes. Narcissists are really good at avoiding being blamed for things they’ve done. When narcissists are criticized or when something goes wrong because of them, they don’t usually say, ‘I messed up.’ Instead, they tend to blame someone else or come up with excuses to make themselves look good.

Sometimes they might even pretend like they did nothing wrong at all by blaming others. Narcissists keep thinking they’re amazing and don’t have to deal with feeling embarrassed or weak. They’re skilled at making up stories, twisting the truth, and making it seem like they’re the ones who are hurt or innocent. This helps them keep up the act of being better than everyone else and avoid getting in trouble for what they’ve done.

7. Feeling jealous.

Narcissists often get jealous of other people’s success or good qualities. They struggle to be happy for others and might even try to make others look less valuable than them. Narcissists want others to see them as the best and most exceptional. When they see someone else doing well or achieving something great, it makes them feel envious. This envy comes from their fear of not being the center of attention or feeling insecure about themselves.

When others do well, instead of being genuinely happy for someone’s success, they might act jealous and try to make that person’s achievement seem less important. They might say mean things or act like they compete, all to make sure they still look better than everyone else. Their jealous actions might include saying hurtful things, competing, or trying to stop others from succeeding.

9. Narcissists often act arrogant to hide their fragile self-esteem.

Narcissists may seem full of themselves, acting like they’re better than everyone else, but deep down, they don’t feel very good about themselves. They put on this big show of being super confident to protect themselves from feeling like they’re not good enough.

People with narcissistic tendencies act like they’re super important to hide how unsure they are about themselves. They pretend to be perfect and untouchable to cover up their insecurities and protect their fragile self-esteem from criticism or feeling not good enough. Their over-the-top behavior isn’t who they truly are. It’s a way to defend themselves and make themselves feel better.

10. Not respecting others’ boundaries and feelings.

Narcissism means someone consistently doesn’t respect other people’s personal space and emotions. They often ignore what others may feel, putting their own wants first. Having personal boundaries is like having invisible lines that show what’s okay and not okay in a relationship, but for narcissists, these lines seem like restrictions, and they think they should do whatever they want no matter how it affects others. Narcissists don’t understand or care about how others feel. They might make people do things they don’t want to just to please themselves. This can really hurt the people close to them.

11. Narcissists use tricks to control people.

Narcissists are good at using sneaky tactics and tricks to control others. They twist the truth, make people doubt themselves, and play mind games to make others feel confused and weak. Making others do what they want is something narcissists are good at. They find and use people’s weaknesses to get what they want. They play with emotions and information to control situations.

They do this to feel powerful and better than others. Gaslighting is one tricky way they do this. Gaslighting is a mean trick they use to mess with others’ heads. It makes people question what’s real and lose confidence. Narcissists use this trick to keep power over people and make others not notice their bad actions. They use their charm and charisma to make people like them, which helps them control relationships and how people act around them.

It’s really important to recognize and deal with someone who acts like a narcissist. This helps us take care of our feelings and have good relationships. We can set limits and take care of ourselves by noticing behaviors like being overly proud, not caring about others’ feelings, feeling like they deserve special treatment, always wanting attention, using others, not taking responsibility, feeling jealous, and using sneaky tricks.

Talking to a professional can give us good advice and help us handle tricky relationships. So, understanding and dealing with narcissistic behaviors helps us stay safe and have good relationships with others.”


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