
15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People

Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People


Dealing with a narcissistic person can be a challenging and draining experience. Narcissistic people tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance and an overwhelming need for admiration and attention. They may also lack empathy and have a tendency to manipulate others for their own benefit. If you find yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic person, it’s important to establish boundaries and practice self-care. Here are 15 rules to help you deal with narcissistic people.

1. Recognize the signs of narcissism.

The first step in dealing with a narcissistic person is to recognize the signs of narcissism. Some common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include an excessive need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, a tendency to manipulate others, and a preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, and attractiveness.

2. Set clear boundaries.

One of the most important rules when dealing with narcissistic people is to set clear boundaries. This means being clear about what you will and will not tolerate in the relationship. It’s important to be assertive and stand up for yourself, even if it means saying no to the narcissistic person’s demands.

3. Don’t take it personally.

Narcissistic people often have a way of making everything about themselves. They may belittle your accomplishments or make you feel like you’re not good enough. It’s important to remember that their behavior is not a reflection of your worth. Try not to take their comments or actions personally.

4. Practice self-care.

Dealing with a narcissistic person can be emotionally draining. It’s important to practice self-care and take time for yourself. This might mean going for a walk, practicing yoga, or talking to a therapist. Whatever helps you feel grounded and centered, make sure to prioritize it.

5. Avoid the blame game.

Narcissistic people often have a way of making others feel like they’re the problem. They may try to blame you for their behavior or make you feel guilty for not meeting their needs. It’s important to avoid the blame game and take responsibility for your own actions. Don’t let the narcissistic person’s behavior dictate how you feel about yourself.

6. Stay calm.

Narcissistic people can be very good at pushing buttons and getting a rise out of others. It’s important to stay calm and avoid reacting emotionally. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that getting upset or angry will only give the narcissistic person more power over you.

7. Don’t engage in power struggles.

Narcissistic people often have a need to be in control. They may try to engage you in power struggles or arguments to assert their dominance. It’s important to recognize when this is happening and avoid engaging in these types of interactions. Instead, try to find common ground or walk away from the situation.

8. Be aware of gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a tactic that narcissistic people may use to make you doubt your own reality. They may tell you that your perceptions are wrong or try to convince you that things didn’t happen the way you remember them. It’s important to be aware of gaslighting and trust your own intuition.

9. Don’t try to change the narcissistic person.

It’s important to remember that you cannot change a narcissistic person. Trying to change them will only lead to frustration and disappointment. Instead, focus on changing your own behavior and setting boundaries that work for you.

10. Seek support.

Dealing with a narcissistic person can be isolating. It’s important to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Having someone to talk to can help you feel less alone and provide a sounding board for your thoughts and feelings.

11. Don’t enable the behavior.

Narcissistic people often have a sense of entitlement and may expect others to cater to their needs. It’s important to avoid enabling this behavior. This might mean saying no to their requests or refusing to go along with their demands.

12. Avoid playing the role of the victim.

Narcissistic people often try to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them or taking pity on them. It’s important to avoid playing the role of the victim and instead focus on your own needs and boundaries. Don’t let the narcissistic person make you feel responsible for their emotions or well-being.

13. Stay focused on your goals.

Narcissistic people may try to distract you from your goals or make you feel like you’re not capable of achieving them. It’s important to stay focused on your goals and not let their behavior derail you. Remember that you are capable and worthy of success.

14. Avoid engaging in gossip or drama.

Narcissistic people may try to draw you into drama or gossip to create chaos and drama. It’s important to avoid engaging in this behavior and instead focus on positive and constructive interactions. Don’t let the narcissistic person drag you into their negative cycle.

15. Practice forgiveness.

Dealing with a narcissistic person can be challenging, but it’s important to practice forgiveness. This doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing their behavior, but rather letting go of resentment and anger. Holding onto negative emotions will only hold you back and prevent you from moving forward.

In conclusion, dealing with a narcissistic person can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience. It’s important to recognize the signs of narcissism and establish clear boundaries. Practice self-care, seek support, and avoid enabling their behavior. Remember to stay focused on your goals and practice forgiveness. With these 15 rules, you can navigate your relationship with a narcissistic person and maintain your emotional well-being.

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