
7 Phrases of the Empath that DESTROY the NARCISSIST


Have you ever found yourself trapped in a manipulative conversation with a narcissist? Don’t worry anymore. In this article, we will unravel the power of carefully selected seven phrases that every empath should have in their arsenal. These will not only help you protect yourself against narcissistic manipulation but also allow you to regain control over your life. Let’s begin.

Number One: “That’s not my problem.”

This phrase is powerful because it sets clear boundaries. Narcissists often try to shift their problems and responsibilities onto others. By responding with this phrase, you show that you are not willing to be manipulated or burdened with issues that aren’t yours. You are defending your personal space and preventing the narcissist from making you accountable for their matters. The narcissist will try to involve you in situations that don’t actually concern you. You don’t have to play along. This phrase gives you back the power and the right that belongs to you to avoid getting caught up in the constant problems and chaos that narcissists create.


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Number Two: “I don’t owe you anything.”

This phrase focuses on putting an end to any attempts by the narcissist to take advantage of you, both emotionally and financially. Narcissists often create situations where you feel like you owe them something, whether it’s a real or imaginary debt. By asserting this phrase, you are establishing your independence and reminding them that you don’t owe them anything and are not obligated to fulfill their demands.

This dismantles the narcissist because one of their major manipulation tools is to create dependence and a sense of gratitude in the other person so they feel bound forever. Even the thought of distancing themselves generates anguish, guilt, and commitment to the narcissist. By emphasizing that you actually don’t owe them anything, you strip away all the power they use to manipulate you.

Number Three: “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Narcissists tend to have an egocentric view of the world, believing that everyone should revolve around them. This phrase is a direct way to remind them that they’re not the center of the universe and that others also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.

By doing so, you challenge their sense of superiority and make them understand that they can’t control everything. This phrase destabilizes them, and they might even try to make you believe that you’re an egocentric person, as they often project their own miseries onto others to manipulate people through confusion and doubt. Don’t fall into this trap. Don’t let them confuse you.

Number Four: “Don’t change the subject.”

Narcissists often shift topics or steer conversations away to avoid taking responsibility for their actions or to maintain control. By using this phrase, you’re keeping the conversation focused on the issue at hand and preventing them from straying from the important topic. This is especially useful when they try to manipulate you by sidestepping accountability.

If you tell a narcissist this phrase whenever they attempt to change the subject, they’ll become very angry because they’ll realize they can’t manipulate you at will. If changing the subject doesn’t work for them, they might resort to aggression or humiliation, trying to shift all blame onto you, saying that your mistakes are much worse than what you’re addressing at that moment.

They’ll always make your actions seem worse and much more serious than their own. So, don’t fall into this trap. It’s important to recognize this typical behavior of narcissists to be able to identify them and distance yourself from such individuals as soon as possible.

Number Five: “I’m busy” or “I don’t have time.”

Narcissists will attempt to monopolize your time and attention. By using these phrases, you’re setting boundaries on your availability and preventing yourself from being controlled by their constant demands. You’re focusing on your priorities and activities, making it difficult for the narcissist to manipulate you into always being at their beck and call. Narcissists are very demanding and won’t accept no for an answer.

That’s why it’s crucial to stand your ground and protect your personal space. Anything related to you, especially your personal growth, the narcissist will try to sabotage so that you don’t thrive. They’ll attempt to redirect your attention back to themselves. You have to be as firm as a rock. No one has the right to take your time away from you. You decide how to invest it. Don’t give even an inch to narcissistic manipulation.

Number Six: “That’s not right” or “You’re mistaken.”

Narcissists attempt to distort reality and manipulate others’ perceptions. By pointing out that something is wrong or that they are mistaken, you’re defending your sense of truth and avoiding being influenced by their distortions. This can be especially useful when they try to change the narrative to benefit themselves. Your certainty and confidence in everything you say will completely undermine the narcissist. If you know what’s wrong, what’s incorrect, or what’s a lie, and you express it clearly without any fear, it will be devastating for the narcissist. Even though they might try to twist everything as usual, your assurance will clearly show that they can’t manipulate you.

Number Seven: “No.”

Sometimes the simplest and most direct phrase is the most effective. Firmly and confidently saying “no” when the narcissist tries to manipulate you can be the best defense of all. This demonstrates that you have autonomy and won’t yield to their manipulative tactics. Narcissists can’t stand being denied their requests, demands, and constant manipulation attempts. Every time you refuse, it’s a blow to the narcissist’s ego. You don’t even have to spend energy explaining reasons or trying to convince the narcissist with your arguments because all of that would be entering the narcissist’s game to confuse or provoke you.

Saying “no” is reclaiming control over your decisions and empowering your convictions. Saying “no” is a victory over yourself. It’s understanding that the decision to be okay was always in your hands. No one can harm you if you don’t allow it. They can hurt you if you don’t grant them that permission. Saying “no” to narcissistic manipulation is the first step toward emotional healing, regaining your autonomy, your independence, and your life.

Each of these phrases shouldn’t be used as revenge or a strategy to handle narcissistic individuals. Quite the opposite. These phrases are for your protection and for learning to identify these dangerous profiles. It’s best to say “no” and completely distance yourself from these people who only seek to control you, dominate you, and mentally destroy you to keep you under their power forever. Don’t engage in this game for control. You have to distance yourself for good. No contact will always be the best option.


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