
7 Strange Behaviors of Covert Narcissists

7 Strange Behaviors of Covert Narcissists


“Have you ever seen a covert narcissist? Do you know how ridiculously strange they are? You’ve had to deal with them in this article. I am going to go through the seven strangest behaviors of covert narcissists. They are the worst.

I have dealt with the worst of covert narcissists. I know how they are, believe me because I’ve had to deal with them myself. I have been there, not only as an attorney but personally. And that’s why I want to help you break free from the chains of the worst covert narcissists—the worst narcissists.

help yourself negotiate your best love. Help yourself break free from the chains of those narcissists. All right, I’m here, making sure that you can break free from the chains of those most ridiculously toxic narcissists so that you can have the best life that you possibly can. It’s so time, isn’t it? Time for you to have that life that you deserve.

Coverts are the absolute worst. The worst, you know why? Because everybody thinks that they’re so nice, and then they’re in there with you, death by a Thousand Cuts—little passive-aggressive things. I’ve been there, I dealt with it. I had a covert narcissistic business partner, and on the veneer, there are the sweet ones, the kind ones, the humanitarians, the ones that everybody else sees as the good people.

But they’re the ones that behind the scenes are doing these passive-aggressive little things to literally make you feel like you’re going crazy. That’s why it is so hard to get out of these relationships because you feel like if you do, the whole world is going to vilify you. You feel like if you do, no one is going to be on your side.

Being the Victim is Everything

One of the strangest behaviors that I’ve seen of covert narcissists is that being the victim is everything to them. In every covert narcissist, they must put themselves into being a victim place, and that’s what is so crazy about a covert narcissist.

Because many times, people think of a narcissist as this bragging person, this person who goes around telling everybody how great they are. Many times when people say ‘a narcissist,’ they don’t think of a covert narcissist as being a narcissist. This is a person who is ‘I’m a victim, this person did this thing to me, and I can never get my way, and life isn’t fair.

‘ Those are the kinds of things that you often see with a covert narcissist. But let me tell you, this is a person where being a victim means everything to them. And if you hang around them long enough, you’ll see that this is the person who will refuse to say they’re sorry unless they need to do it because there’s an audience there. For the most part, they don’t apologize.

I know of a situation where somebody, you know, showed up at a funeral they didn’t—they weren’t supposed to be there. They only showed up there in order to prove a point, in order to do it as a manipulation tactic. This is what they do. They act like what I was just showing, that I love a person, I was just showing that I’m paying my respects.

It’s this kind of plausible deniability like, ‘How can you question my ethics, my morals, my incentives, my motivations?’ You know, this kind of potential double entendre when obviously what I meant was this. ‘What are you talking about? That I, it was meant for manipulation, that it was meant for something other than just that,’ when they know and everybody else knows that that’s not what it was for, that that attention means everything to them.

Stubbornly Refusing to do Things you Ask them to do

Number two is stubbornly refusing to do things you ask them to do, even the smallest of things. It has to be their choice. They’re so passive-aggressive. If you ask them to do something, the answer is that they don’t want to have to do anything, but they’ll offer to do something.

They want to have to offer to do something, but they don’t want to be asked to do anything, even if they would normally want to do it. Or they want to have to participate, or if it’s something they would want to do, but they don’t want to be forced to have to do anything that they don’t want to have to do by somebody that they consider to be the person that they think that they’re being manipulated by or whatever.

They don’t want to be obligated to do anything. If you ask them to do it, the answer is just gonna—you know, they want to knee jerk and say no, unless of course…” There’s an audience, then of course, they want to. Then, of course, let me offer to do it, very stubbornly refusing to do things that you ask them to do, even the smallest of things.

Public Persona

Number three: Public persona is completely different than their private persona that rages always just below that surface. It’s almost as if they just can’t stand you. It’s like there’s this boiling underneath them all the time. Public persona is “Look at me, look how helpful, look how kind I am, look what a good person I am.

” But at home or behind closed doors or at work or whatever it is, the business partner, “I don’t want to have to do it, I don’t want to have to be there, I don’t want to be there for you.” There’s that rage just below the surface, that withholding of information, all that little stuff right below the surface all the time. I’d love to know what you guys think so far. Give me a “yes” in the chat, and give me a comment below. What are you guys thinking so far? Would love to know some feedback. What are you thinking?

Number four is holding grudges.

One of the strangest behaviors that you see about covert narcissists is that they hold grudges about something that you would have totally forgotten about for years, literally for years. And you didn’t even realize they were holding a grudge about that particular thing until it got brought up. It’s just the craziest thing with them. Like I said, with narcissists, all the time you’re either for them or against them. So they hold grudges about things for years.

That’s one of the strangest things about covert narcissists. But the other thing about that’s really strange is they don’t even bother to tell you that they have… you’ve slighted them in this way. They just hold it. So that’s another thing that’s pretty crazy. The other thing that I think is a strange behavior about covert narcissists is that they

Spend Lavishly

spend lavishly on certain things but then they are super cheap about certain things. So you’ll see that they will spend lavishly on themselves. They love to have name-brand things. But then they are super cheap with gifts and super cheap about tipping, super cheap about other things.

So it seems really, really ironic in a lot of ways because, you know, you’ll see that they really want to have the very most expensive shoes, the very most expensive handbags, or the very most expensive cars or homes or whatever.

But when it comes to gift-giving, they buy the minimum that they can get away with or the minimum that they can get away with as far as tipping. In a way, they are the most dangerous of all narcissists because they aren’t out and about with their narcissism. At least with the grandiose, they tell everybody how bragging and boastful they are.

The next thing that I think is really strange about covert narcissists is that they are chameleons. You know, wherever they are, whoever they’re with, that’s who they pick up the behavior about. If they’re with somebody who’s kind of quiet, then they’ll be more like that. They even kind of dress the part. I used to be the target of a covert narcissist, and she used to kind of dress exactly the way I would dress, and it was super weird. One of the things that covert narcissists will do is they will stare at you a lot. I don’t know if you guys have seen this, but they will stare at you because they’re kind

They are chameleons

“Of studying you, because they want to start to be able to mirror you. And that is because they are chameleons, right? You don’t want to be able to take on your personality and become like you so that you will like them more. So that they can start to love to bomb you a little bit more. Love bombing doesn’t just happen at the beginning of the relationship; it can happen even during the relationship when they need to manipulate you again and again and again.

Subtle Put-downs

The last strange behavior of a covert narcissist is subtle put-downs. They are very, very good at that. And they will work them into the conversation when they need to. Something like, ‘You look so great, you know, since you’ve lost all the weight. I mean, you know, too bad about the stretch marks. You know, but I’m sure they’ll go away. I mean, look at you, you look so much better.’ Subtle insults, they’re very good at that sort of thing.

Those are the seven strange behaviors of covert narcissists. They can drive you absolutely crazy. And if you are dealing with a covert narcissist, it is the most difficult thing to get out of. It will drive you absolutely bonkers.

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