
Expect THIS If A Narcissist Knows You’re Onto Them


Expect this if a narcissist knows you’re on to them. Are you tired of being manipulated by a narcissist and want to confront them about it? You’ve landed in the right spot. Today, we’re revealing what you can expect if a narcissist knows you’re on to them. And trust me, you don’t want to miss this. I’m here to help you navigate this tricky path. Stay with me, and together let’s gear up and take control of the situation.


Narcissists frequently employ deflection when they realize that you are aware of their toxic and manipulative tendencies. They deflect responsibility for their conduct by blaming you or another person, rather than owning up to it. They try to redirect attention from their own behavior and cast doubt or uncertainty in your mind. By doing so, they attempt to preserve their fragile ego and maintain their delusion of being faultless. By deflecting blame, narcissists aim to manipulate and control the situation, exploiting your emotions and gaslighting you into doubting your perception of reality. Recognizing their deflection techniques empowers you to stay grounded in your truth and not allow their manipulations to undermine your confidence.


Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic often used by narcissists to distort your perception of reality. When they sense that you’re onto their toxic behaviors, they may escalate their gaslighting tactics to regain control. Gaslighting makes you doubt your experiences, memories, and even reality, causing confusion and self-doubt. Narcissists may use various gaslighting strategies, including denial of prior events, minimization or trivialization of your emotions and experiences, or even a total rewriting of the past. They aim to keep a tight grip on their authority and control by spreading seeds of doubt. Gaslighting can have a negative psychological impact, undermining your self-worth and making you more susceptible to the narcissist’s influence. Protecting your mental and emotional well-being depends on spotting the symptoms of gaslighting, trusting your instincts, seeking support from trusted individuals, and maintaining a firm grasp on your own truth to counteract its effects.

Playing the Victim:

A common manipulative strategy is when a narcissist portrays themselves as the victim. By doing so, they attempt to gain pity and empathy while deflecting attention from their harmful behaviors. They exaggerate or makeup stories of victimhood to portray themselves as weak or unfairly treated, manipulating events to gain sympathy and support from others. This strategy allows them to control the narrative, isolating you and taking advantage of people’s emotions.

Charm Offensive:

Narcissists may use a charm offensive to re-establish control over you when they feel their hold is slipping. The charm offensive involves lavishing you with praise, overwhelming affection, and assurances of progress or change. Their goal is to make you doubt your decision to distance yourself from them and lull you back into their spell. Narcissists are skilled at changing their behavior to match what they think you want to see and hear. The charm offensive is often temporary and a strategic ploy to regain control. Remaining aware of their manipulative tactics can help you maintain your autonomy and make informed decisions about your well-being.

Smear Campaign:

A smear campaign is used by narcissists when they feel their control is eroding or view you as a threat. It involves disseminating untrue rumors or incorrect information to destroy your character, harm your reputation, and socially isolate you. Narcissists may use a variety of smear tactics, deploying others under their influence to spread rumors or rally support. They aim to isolate you and make it difficult for others to believe your side of the story. Facing a smear campaign can be emotionally draining. Seeking support from reliable people who recognize the narcissist’s tricks, maintaining records of proof, and upholding your morals and principles can mitigate its consequences.

Intimidation or Regression:

Narcissists may use intimidation or aggressive behavior to reclaim their authority and power when they feel it’s slipping. This could involve verbal threats, physical violence, or subtle manipulative techniques to instill fear and control. Their aim is to make you feel insignificant and subservient, using tactics like shouting, insulting, or humiliating to lower your self-esteem and maintain their authority.

Love Bombing:

Love bombing is a manipulative technique where narcissists shower you with excessive attention, gifts, and affection to seduce their victims. This overpowering display of affection is intended to foster loyalty and dependency, making it challenging for you to escape their influence. However, it’s crucial to recognize that love bombing is not genuine love but a manipulation tactic. Stay aware, maintain independence, and trust your instincts.

Silent Treatment:

The silent treatment is a popular tool in the narcissist’s manipulative toolbox. They may ignore you and withhold communication when feeling threatened or wanting to regain control. Their goal is to instill guilt, fear, and insecurity, making you feel ignored and insignificant to control your emotions and behavior.

Escalation of Manipulation:

When narcissists sense their manipulative tactics are exposed, they often escalate their behavior to regain control. They may become more cunning, relentless, and creative in their manipulations, seeking new ways to push your boundaries and maintain their power over you. Recognizing their rising manipulative techniques is critical to safeguarding yourself from their attempts to reclaim control.

Projecting Their Behavior:

Narcissists often use projection as a manipulative strategy when they feel they’re losing control. They accuse you of actions they themselves take, diverting attention from their bad behavior and forcing you into a defensive position. Recognizing these behaviors is the first step toward freeing yourself from a narcissist’s toxic grip.

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