
Top 10 Ways to Know If You Are A Super Empath


yeah you know okay you’re right I don’t fit in here understanding yourself is probably the hardest thing to do if you’re a super empath. It can be perplexing and Troublesome if you are unaware. That you can feel the emotions and pains of others as if they were your own. You might also think there’s something wrong with you because of your unpredictable emotions. If you’re having trouble figuring it out on your own, why not figure it out now? here are the 10 ways to know if you’re a super empath.

1. You’re hyper-aware of other people’s emotions.

Super empathy is an attribute to all super and past half but never asked for. Having it is a blessing and a curse, and if you’re a super empath this is the first thing you must know to prevent the possibility of losing yourself. Other people may think it’s not real, but it is. You might think it’s normal to sense tone changes when talking with your friend, or the fact that you pick up on their emotions so clearly. That they’re almost like your own. In a crowded or noisy environment, you may feel surrounded and overwhelmed by the emotions of others.

When someone is depressed or stressed you can tell. Even when someone is sick or has a cold, you can tell. You can even tell when someone is nervous or angry. The most important aspect is that you can detect deception or emotional Behavior. If you are constantly experiencing these things there’s no doubt you are a super empath. Your ability to sense other people’s emotions can protect and hurt you. Still, it’s up to you to nurture it to your advantage.

2. you feel other people’s pain more than most.

As a super empath, the ability to feel others’ emotions also means feeling their pain, whether physical or emotional. You are likely to feel someone’s physical or emotional pain on an almost physical level if they are in pain. You can even sense the pain of animals, people you haven’t met yet, and even people from the past. Now, this is the most difficult part of being a super empath for you feel their pain at a personal level.

When a loved one is in pain or grieving, you can sense it so strongly that it could be your own. You may feel others’ pain so strongly that it makes you sick to your stomach. So, if you are having these episodes yourself that certifies you to be a super empath, and if you’re having a hard time enduring. It just knows that you are blessed, with this power because you can handle it. Power comes with great responsibility. That is the price you need to pay, even if you didn’t ask for it.

3. It can be overwhelming when your emotions are triggered.

Just as super empaths feel other people’s emotions extremely, their own emotions can also be disabling. When your emotions easily get triggered, that is a big sign you are a super empath. The problem is they get very intense to the point where you don’t know where they come from or what to do with them. You can cry at any time. You feel everything ten times over, turning you into an emotional ball.

Have you ever noticed how easily you tear up while watching movies or reading books? You can’t help but cry when someone is being mean to someone else in simpler terms. If you’re feeling like a train wreck for some reason, you might be a super empath. But a super empath will not sit back and let themselves drown in emotions. While they’re emotional they are also rational. If you’re having a hard time toning down the voices in your head believe that you’ll be able to overcome it.

4. You find it hard to say no.

Every Super empath; misconception of helping others is to deny them when they ask for one. They feel that they must hear everyone who gets unnoticed, and they forget that saying no is okay. If you feel like this most of the time, your super empathy is at work. Which is a factor of being a super empath. A Super empath will sometimes make you feel and do something unreasonable. Hence as a super empath, you must be able to channel your ability without compromising yourself. Saying no will also help those who are seeking your help. Remember that you are not responsible for every person’s pain.

5. People easily open up to you.

Have you ever noticed people spilling all their thoughts and pains at you at the first meeting? Super empaths have this calming open, and safe Aura surrounding them that makes people feel secure, to share their struggles in life. If this happens frequently you must feel honored to have gained other people’s trust. But the burden you carry will be immense. Ordinary people might feel what you’re doing is a hassle. Still, only you understand the weight of your calling and that is to help other people. And that is how a super empath, like you, lives their life?

6. You’re helping others without expecting a return.

Helping other people is one thing but helping them without expecting a return is different. You want to be the hero and make everything better, you want to help people but don’t always know when to say enough. You want to save the world, but you must think it fits a good idea. You see even if you think you’re helping you can’t always run around fixing others while completely neglecting yourself. First, you must look after yourself. You can’t help others if your own life isn’t in order. Don’t get me mistaken. Your passion is right. You just need to let others help you in return.

7. You are always aware of your surroundings.

Being hyper-aware of your surroundings is always a given trait for all super empaths, if you have it you might just be one. People unaware of your enhanced awareness may mistake you for being Spacey or distracted. They have more reason to believe it. Because you tend to get distracted by the little things. They sometimes don’t notice the sounds smells the feeling in the room. This situation may not be enjoyable, but you will find a way to deal with it.

8. You have a hard time setting boundaries with others.

Super Empaths struggled to say no to others. This means their boundaries will get violated, as an empath you will encounter many people who don’t know the concept of manners and respect. It is up to you to educate them or simply ignore them when they’re a loose thread. The most vital priority you have while living is yourself. Don’t sacrifice yourself over people who are not worth it.

9. You have a strong desire to help and protect people.

If you have a strong desire to help other people, there is no use in doubting yourself of being a super empath. All you have to figure out is how to help others while also taking care of yourself. Super empaths tend to get so consumed in fixing others’ problems that they get destroyed by their own. You want to help others but are unable to care for yourself. That is not acceptable; you must strike a balance, after all, you can’t just help everyone else. You must first learn how to help yourself. You don’t get to give to people what you don’t have.

10. You’re a natural leader.

As a super empath, you might discover you have what it takes to lead, but you won’t notice a on your own. Others will see it in you all you can think about is your desire to help others and your pursuit of Justice, and that my friend is a good leader. You will know what an effective leader is when people are the ones who appoint and regard you as one, not some rank or title you have. If you’re a super empath, doubting yourself wouldn’t be helping you. You must learn to grow and become someone you want to be.

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